Omnidirectionnal Speakers
Omnidirectionality and broad coverage
• Recognized since 1992 and protected by an international patent, so far the omnidirectional speakers created by MAJORCOM have not been equalled by any other speaker as regards to fitting large areas with PA particularly in the large-scale industry.
• Faced with marketing catch phrases such as “directional loudspeaker with an exceptional coverage surface”, “widedispersion sphere”, “space technology speaker” and “wide-dispersion and ceiling mounted and…directional speaker”, MAJORCOM had to re-establish the reality of physics laws on sites.
• Thus, we were led to carry out comparison tests between the most famous trade names products. Those tests
were performed under the same setting up conditions.
• The efficiency of MAJORCOM omnidirectional products was confirmed upon the three following points:
-Sound quality: a quality sound can be played without any kind of device,
-Homogeneous coverage: the patented reflector is the obvious and most efficient solution to reach a homogeneous and substantial coverage surface,
-Optimal intelligibility: the STI measures showed that our products met the intelligibility requirements in any kind of situation.
• Thus, it could have been noted that the sound projector-typed products, spheres or usual ceiling-mounted speakers
defined as having exceptional coverage capacities keep on being directional products with a low dispersion capacity.
• Therefore, using such products for substantial areas produce public address systems with successions of ‘”surges”,
and “gaps” to the detriment of the listening comfort and intelligibility.
Grades of Omnidirectional speakers
• For the same power and set up at the same height, these speakers (figure S1) guarantee a 3 to 5 times wider coverage than standard speakers, sound projectors, spheres, etc. (figure S2).
• Thanks to their original design and the presence of a reflector, these speakers are provided with a 360° horizontal and 160° vertical directivity.
• To improve intelligibility in a reverberating environment, the speaker-listener distance has to be reduced.
• Now, the distribution of the sound energy in a large diffusion angle enables to bring the omnidirectional speakers closer to the listeners without bothering them. This is absolutely not the case for standard directional speakers.
• The intelligibility of a sound message is up to 60% provided by treble frequencies.
• With standard speakers, trebles are present with other frequencies only over a small ground surface (S2).
• For the omnidirectional speakers, treble frequencies are distributed as well as other frequencies, over the whole S1 surface which is 3 to 5 times higher than S2.

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?Experts in the field of PA and VA systems in France and internationally for the past 50 years.
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Retail and shopping malls
Malls | Supermarkets
Restaurants | Shops
Industrial facilities
Laboratories | Factories
Warehouses | Seveso sites
Recreational Venues
Sports facilities | Aquatic centers
Bowling alley | Stadium
Public Transport
Train Station
Airport | Subway | Tram line
Cultural Venues
Libraries | Museums | Aquarium
Cinemas | Multimedia libraries | Opera
Town halls | Ministries
Prisons | Local government
Houses of Worship
High schools | Colleges | Universities
School groups | Auditorium
Hospitals | Institutes
Residential Care for Senior Citizens
Exhibition centers
Outdoors PA
Shopping Street | Market
Car park
Services to ensure your satisfaction!
Technical study
Customer support
MAJORCOM places customer service at the heart of its business model thanks to its dedicated business team. Our systems are custom-designed by our engineering department which is staffed with acousticians and electronic engineers, with the expert support of our R&D department, and an after-sales department with highly involved support functions.
Need some information ? Fill out the contact form or contact us directly on +33 5 61 31 86 87
Address: 56 Chemin de la Flambère, 31300 Toulouse, France See the map